Login and password

For log in you need an user account of the RBI (please note that the domain of the RBi and the HRZ are not
the same!)
. Please complete our registration form and drop the signed form at the RBI's mail box in the
basement Robert-Mayer-Str. 11-15. You can get your user name and initial password at room 010 or 011 of
the RBI.

Working in graphic mode:
Log in: Type in your login name in the field 'Benutzername' , then change field with the [Enter]-key into field
'Passwort', type in the passwort and confirm with [Enter].
Log off: Click Leave (or Abmelden) in the Kickoff Application Launcher (Fedora symbol in the left lower corner),
log off choosing Log out in the menu.

Working in text modus:
Log in: Using [Strg] + [Alt] + [F2], ..., [F6] you change to a text console. Type your login name in
the login-prompt, confirm with [Enter], type in your password and confirm with [Enter] again.
After the log in you see the prompt user@host$ . For example the user "schmidt", loged in at the workstation
"pan", you will see the following prompt: schmidt@pan$ (possibly only the host without username)
Log off: type exit and confirm with [Enter]. Using the combination [Strg] + [Alt] + [F1] you can
change back to the graphic mode.

Please note: the workstations must not been shut off by users

Change your password - yppasswd

Open the terminal emulation program (shell) of your choice -- e.g. konsole, xterm (usually you find a symbol
in your control panel, by opening the rightclick menu on your desktop or using the k-menu).
Enter the following command into the shell: yppasswd
For authentification purpose in the next step you have to type in your old password. Now you have to type in
your new password twice -- the second time to confirm your new password and to avoid typing errors.

Please note: none of the three passwords will be shown by the display -- you have to type blind.

The password need to be at least 8 characters long (it is recommended to use longer passwords with 9 or
more characters!). A secure password consists of as much as possible characters and is composed of a
combination of small and capital letters, numbers und special characters. Under no circumstances use normal
words (no matter what language), words ending with an additional number or birthday dates (and never use
passwords that are similar to your login name).

Change your initial password you got from the RBI as soon as possible, otherwise your account will be blocked.
Use a password as secure as possible.

Please note! To hand your login information to other persons and using accounts that not belong
to you is forbidden! Violation of this reglementations will lead to suspension of your account!

Home (home directory)

Every account has a home directory. Yor settings and files will be stored there. If you open a text console, you
are always starting in your home directory. If you want to adress your home in the file management, you don't
need to type the complete path (e.g. . /home/users1/ammi/testuser), but also can replace the full path to your
home directory by the character ~ .